Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's In Store #7

Hot cakes! I completely forgot about my endearing love for all things preview related and just haven't been giving you, my attractive readers, the opportunity to know what's in store for the next five films in my Criterion Quest.

I for one am sad for you, as I am sad that I haven't had the opportunity to write these. We can be sad together. Here is an injection of happiness though, my first What's In Store in weeks.

As always, thanks for reading:

#99. Gimme Shelter dir. David Maysles, Albert Maysles, and Charlotte Sverin

If Woodstock was the start of the Summer of Love, than The Rolling Stones' performance at the Altamont Speedway in 1969 was its creepy, drug-fueled end. This is the world famous documentary about that concert, and for the love of cinnamon, this is one dreary bit of concert filmmaking. If Woodstock was happy lovin' and pleasant trips and free love, this is shadowy corners, drug-fueled violence, and a group of Hell's Angels that take security a little too far. This is a must see.

#100. Beastie Boys Video Anthology dir. Various

It seems somewhat fitting that the hundredth film in The Criterion Collection is Beastie Boys Video Anthology (100) as Adam Yauch was just diagnosed with cancer, somehow adding a layer of age to the group, I thought impossible. It's also interesting that one of the films in this collection is just a smattering of videos from a Brooklyn rap-group. It also is curious that it falls on the number 100, and I can only imagine that The Criterion Collection's coffers were looking a bit empty and a bunch of videos for the kids, seemed like a good way to stuff their pockets. Regardless, I'm pretty excited.

#101. Cries and Whispers dir. Ingmar Bergman

I'm of varied opinions that in my quest to watch all things Criterion, I will invariably be subjected to each and ever film ever made by recently deceased master, Ingmar Bergman. Spear me with stones and arrows film lovers the world over, but when a Bergman flick pops up in the queue, I'm always a bit reticent. Even a bit sleepy. I'll get through it though, with your hand in mine.

#102. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie dir. Luis Bunuel

Bunuel is another director (along with Bergman and Kurosawa and few others) that The Criterion Collection just can't get enough of, and this is a good thing, as the French director's take on well, anything, is always deeply rooted in the surreal. This film, about a dinner party that starts and ends for eternity is absolutely amazing. Images from it, which I saw years ago, still haunt my dreams. Rich people walking, you just can't get enough of it.

#103. The Lady Eve dir. Preston Sturges

Old movies used to be all about fast talk and silly situations. Plots were there, but not entirely needed, and Preston Sturges was the master of the spot-on dialogue. This film, which I saw fairly close to The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (102) was my introduction to early screwball comedies, a genre I loved briefly, but am more than excited to dive back in to. Fast talking, heavy drinking, low-moral value - it's like being at a Sander's Family Christmas!

It's a good batch these, four classics, and, uh, some Beastie Boys videos ...

Friday: Gimme Shelter (99)

1 comment:

Mattro2.0 said... know I'm a fan of that crazy olde swede. And this film, Cries and Whispers, is among my favorites, though it took me several viewings to get there. It's a 9 course meal of a film, and your fears pertaining to Bergman films will be realized once again. The film weighs exactly 8,724 lbs, that is to say, it's heavy. Also, the verification word below is blobes.