There is another Criterion Quest.
I'm not shocked by this, the quest to consume all things Criterion is not only a rewarding one, but a hallowed one by film geeks the world over. Thus, a second traveler on this oft times lonely path is not only expected, but encouraged, and lauded for partaking in such a daunting effort.
That said, I have a few misgivings about, sigh, the other Criterion Quest:
1. It's called, sigh, Criterion Quest. I'll say it again, this isn't shocking, recording the trials and tribulations of my quest to consume the ever growing Criterion Collection isn't the most original, but Jesus, out of all the names in the entire world that you could choose, this other Criterion lover picked the only name that was already chosen. Feels a bit like starting a dirty rock band in Aberdeen, Washington and naming it Nirvana. A bit like making a film about light sabers and droids and calling it Star Wars. A bit like starting a family band and calling it The Jackson 5. You get the point. Out of all the names in the entire world, this fellow or lady could've chosen, they chose mine. What about Criterion Collision? Or Criterion Crusade? Criterion Chase, Adventure, Journey, Mission, Pursuit, Quarry ...
As I type this Alex is sitting in the background hinting that "Criterion Crusade" is actually a better name then Criterion Quest. The religious implications, the need to convert, yadda yadda yadda - I'm sticking to my guns. This blog stays a Criterion Quest. Andrew of Andrew's Criterion Quest, I beg of you, switch on over, Criterion Crusade, it beckons to you.
2. Honestly, I'm a little excited that someone is copying the old Quest. This idea has been rattling around in my head for years now, and I remember laying it out for my boss at the record label and receiving absolutely brilliant feedback. Usually I'd just have some sort of great idea and then wait and watch as someone else brought it to fruition. With Criterion Quest though it was a combination of my great loves of writing and watching films, so it didn't even seem like work. And what can I say, the idea that someone has blatantly copied me in both name and objective sort of makes me feel like I've made it. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery and so on and so forth. So, well, thanks Andrew of Andrew's Criterion Quest, left me with a warm spot of recognition deep in my heart.
It's almost the New Year. I'll have a list of resolutions and reflections on this, a fantastic year, in the days to come.