Wednesday, February 18, 2009

81 posts and the very beginning moments of THE THIRD MAN (64)

Holy jesus people, I've written 82 posts for Criterion Quest. 82 posts. That's a ton. A real pile of filmic ramblings if you ask me. I'm only 18 posts away from hitting the big one-hundro and after that the skies the limit.

Here's what I'm hoping for the future of this blog:

1. That I'll hit two hundred posts long after I finish my 100th Criterion. Sometimes I just stare at the list of amazing movies I have in store for me, and want to just skip ahead. But that's not in the nature of the quest. I don't want to take anything away from you beautiful beautiful readers or my pure enjoyment of seeing each and every one of these films in order. Nonetheless, if I'm still in the 70s when post 200 drops, there's going to be a lot of consideration of how to up my movie digestion rate.

2. I want to make this more of an interactive thing. I want you good people, how ever many there are lurking about the shadows these days, to, if you're interested, to be a part of this blog. I want you guys to write reviews of upcoming movies, give me your opinions on the films, give suggestions for other movies I, or the other readers might be interested in. So, seriously, if you're interested at all in guest reviewing a Criterion film, get in touch with me and we'll set you up with something I think you'll like. It's fun, I promise.

3. Hopefully, when I have a bit more time, I can spend two or three minutes making this site not look like the droppings from's rear end. As much as I enjoy "Template 3" from the fine catalog, I'd like this to be a blog that is actually enjoyable to look at. I just have no idea how to do that, because I'm slow.

4. In the far future, I'd like to make this a place where new material is posted. I'd like to try and interview and talk to people as interested in these old films as myself and let them write pieces for the site. This is what you might call, "a lot of work" and I can't promise this anytime in the near future. But make a mental note: one day this blog is going to be bigger, better and even more exciting to come visit every day.

I hope.

In the last two attempts at watching The Third Man (64) (one of my favorite movies) I've managed to catch brief glimpses of it while trying to wipe snotty crust from a two-year olds eyeball and seen only the vibrating strings of the guitar that the opening credits are placed upon. What can I tell you? I'm tuckered these days. Absolutely spent, and I'm barely eeking out the work I get paid for.

But look above at that beautiful poster for the film and just imagine what I might say about Orson Welles, Carol Reed and the always impressive Joseph Cotten.

But for now, wallow in my inability to say anything even slightly related to movies. I certainly am.

Thursday: Lets try for The Third Man (64) but I'm not promising much

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