Monday, March 1, 2010

The story up to now ...

In the last two months, these things have happened:

1.  I quit my long-time job at Light In The Attic Records in the hopes that I could focus on my own projects.  This created the near perfect situation where I work for barely three days a week, still managed to live in a fantastic part of the city, and had four days to focus on my true loves: films, films, and films. 

2.  Literally a week after deciding that LITA was no longer the home I wanted to have, I received an email from another blog I write for informing me that with the lightest flick of the wrist I would now be on a screener list for the greater San Francisco area.  This would mean that nearly any and all films that opened on the big screen in my area, the Yay Area, I would be invited to, sans payment, to reflect upon and then review.  Life long goal accomplished.  Pop the bubbles, turn on the hottub, cook up a steak.

3.  For the last three, maybe four weeks, I've literally been immersed in film.  I worried at first that because of Side One: Track One's smallish readership that perhaps I would only be invited to the films that every outlet was allowed.  Or even worse I be shuffled in to side theaters to see made-for-television melodramas and focus group discussions.  As I often do when presented with anxiety, I started knockin' on doors to make sure that all was right and the floodgates were open for Hurricane Noah to slide through.  I've been sending emails, by the bucket full, to those in charge of screeners to make sure that the films that are being released each and every week are being viewed ... by me.  My first week I saw three films, then two, films and now steadily, for the last two I've seen four films a week, sometimes two a day.  A literal engorgement of cinema.  I'm bloated, but Jesus, if this isn't the life for me.

You can follow my reviews, for the moment at Side One: Track One, and I'll surely be linking to each and every film as I review them.

4.  On top of that, my beautiful Criterion Conquistador has started a new business involving the excavation and sale of dead people's effects.  The talented lady, and her equally talented business partner are in all engines go mode and as a diligent supporter (and infatuated follower) I've been assisting as much as possible.  Eleven hours spent amidst Jesus paraphernalia and rat shit, as you might imagine, can be a bit exhausting.

5.  Thus my Quest, my sweet sweet Quest, has fallen behind a bit.  I've been festooned amongst Jacque Tati's near-silent masterworks for weeks now, and with four films bubbling up on the horizon and a trip to San Luis Obispo and, and, and ... well, lets just say it might be a while.  But in the meantime, as I've said recently and frequently, this blog will continue, and for god's sake it will be more about film and my increasing love for it, than ever before.

Stay with me people.  Stay with me.


Criterion Counsel: Have spent the last three days watching Manhattan.  The French must be put on hold when Manhattan comes a-callin'.

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